Tegoshi Yuya 手越祐也 NEWS RING Jweb -RING ♥ 392- 10 July 2019

『medoreー (Medley)』→れ (re)
Hello, it’s Tegoshi Yuya! I’m writing this during the break in between the magazine photoshoot that ended early and the magazine interview that will begin next!
Due to it being the monsoon season, there’s lots of rain and it’s hard to get excited..
But after this rain, my favourite season, summer, will come, so I look forward to thatt!
The theme is re. Rezzu (Urawa Reds). Reonarudo (Leonardo). Remiー・Bonyasukiー (Remy Bonjasky).
legend. It shall be this. Regendo (legend). Yes.
Did you watch THE MUSIC DAY? For me, it’s 6 songs? I’m super grateful to be allowed to sing them.
Among those is one song that one can't sing if one does not put in the emotions.
"Kurenai" ("Red")
It was amazing. The challenge this time. I really love X JAPAN, I respect them the most and they influenced me the most as a vocalist and then there's ToshI-san.
Furthermore, among their wonderful songs, this is, to me, the most difficult song to sing. That's Kurenai.
Though Japan has quite a lot of songs with only one part that's high in key, the high key parts come one after the other in this Kurenai, making it super difficult to sing.
When I received this offer, there were also other songs. But, this could be the last chance I have a live performance of the song sung by the artiste who I respect, on such a big music programme hosted by Sakurai-kun.
It's better to regret after trying than to regret after not taking on the challenge.
This is my feeling when I decided on singing Kurenai.
Of course, I don't think that I sang it super well. But, I have the confidence that I sang with my soul, full of the love and respect I have for the song that I love.
Even till now, I think of how great it was that I chose to sing Kurenai. Though it was after the recording of ItteQ, I was really happy to receive lots of feedback, like, "I saw it!" or "It was great♪", from my fellow co-hosts and staff.
I was able to think of wanting to improve even more, and absolutely wish to have a duet with ToshI-san someday! The dream of singing with YOSHIKI-san on the piano just got bigger! I have to do nothing else but work hard in order to make that dream come true!!
I will work hard in order to grow even more as a vocalist!! I wrote this here because I think that conveying wishes by words will make them come true!
To say the root of that, I have nothing but gratitude towards Johnny-san who put me in NEWS in the hopes of changing people's image of Johnny's songs because he acknowledged my singing.
At that time, the first song I sang in front of Johnny-san in karaoke is Forever Love by X JAPAN.
That time, Johnny-san said, "YOU amazing." Somehow, it feels like it's destined.
He bravely chose to put me, a 15-year-old with nothing but only skills in soccer and no Jr. experiences, into NEWS.
At that time, there might be staff and fans who thought, "Put the more famous Jr. in!"
But, Johnny-san could be taking on a challenge in his own way for me at that time.
It's all thankz to Johnny-san that I can live every day this happily as he saved my life and made it bright. This is not false, no matter what people say to me.
From here on, I will continue to work hard in order to hear him say, "The Tegoshi Yuya as a talent, as a vocalist, YOU have grown up."
I think it's because it's Johnny-san, he will watch over us in the heavens with a smile.
The Johnny-san who takes on challenges wholeheartedly and triumphs, coming out on top as the world's best producer.
Please have a good rest. It's also important to take a rest once in a while without thinking of anything.
Johnny-san, you really worked hard, thank you.
From Tegoshi Yuya, NEWS, Johnny & Associates

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