Koyama Keiichiro 小山慶一郎 NEWS RING Jweb -RING ♥ 482- 14 April 2021

『gidai wa nan desu ka? (What is the subject for discussion?)』→か (ka)
Keiichiro here.
It’s “ka”.
Let’s go with the usual? no-plan style. But first, I must answer the question of “What is Massu’s discussion topic?” Koyama’s topic right now is,
whether to bring a pillow to the next concert venue. I brought it to Osaka. I thought about how much stuff I was carrying. I’ll think about it when it’s super near. So, let’s goooo!!
ka→kaimono (Shopping)
I often go to the supermarket. Because I eat at home a lot. I’m undecided between big or small plastic bags. Somehow I can’t open the bags. Are my fingers slippery, I have times when I totally couldn’t open them. Are there any tips?
ka→kata (Shoulders)
Yesterday at the gym, it was shoulders day, so my shoulders are sluggish. Chest day, back day, shoulders day, arms & legs day, I separate my training days according to the body partssss.
ka→kagami (Mirror)
Do I give off the impression that I look at it a lot? Like a narcissist? No? I don’t really look at it. Koyassist.
ka→kassoro (Runway)
Rather than saying I like planes, I like the airport, I can keep watching the runway. Even if I go to the airport right now, there aren’t many planes. I hope that soon we can go travelling like before when we took it for granted. Let’s work hard.
ka→kaーnabi (Car navigation)
Do you drive according to the car navigation? I go against the car navigation thinking that there’s definitely another shorter route. In the end, following the car navigation is better most of the time.
ka→kaisetsu (Explanation)
A few days after I watched Shige’s stage play, I had work with Shige, so I gave Shige Koyama’s interpretation of the stage play and he explained things to me. Soon, it will be at Tokyo. I’ll be cheering him onnn.
Well then, the final one has to be this, right?
ka→加藤シゲアキ (Katou Shigeaki)
Please absolutely watch the new KoyaShige show “NEWS no Zenryoku (All Might)!! Making”!!
小山慶一郎『加藤シゲアキ (Katou Shigeaki)』→

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