Tegoshi Yuya 手越祐也 NEWS RING Jweb -RING ♥ 400- 5 September 2019

『a wa arisugite ketsuron erabenai. (There are too many “a”s that I can’t choose a conclusion.)』→い (i)
Hello, I am Tegoshi Yuya (^^)
There must be people who came to Johnny-san’s farewell reception yesterday, right?
Thankz to everyone who came ♪
I am here all thankz to Johnny-san, so I’m simply happy to see everyone coming to the farewell reception of such a wonderful boss! Thankz (^^)
Recently, I’m having fun everyday as usual ♪
The work of my dreams ended without a hitch, and this made me feel, once again, that if I always say my dreams out loud, they will come true!
The theme is i.
Ichiro-san. ichijiku (Fig). ieroーkaーdo (Yellow card). iguain (Higuaín). imeーji (image).
I can talk about any of themm.
Let’s try iraira (irritated) lol
Recently, I really think so. There’s nothing irritatingg lol I’m always laughing everydayy.
It’s never changed but I’m really having fun everyday.
It’s fun at work and fun during my private time too.
Well, I don’t consciously differentiate between work and play, the various work now are as much fun as play so that’s the best.
I think that people who ….. are really pitiful..
I’m the type who release stress by doing positive things like putting in my all at work, playing, exercising, laughing, so it’s easy and fun and I’m stress-freeee.
Somehow shiny people or conspicuous people are being hated, right?
But people who are able to enjoy life while being conspicuous are the ones who can make new innovations, I thinkk.
For example, social media was definitely made by people who positively thought that they want to convenience people in the world.
Like, helping people in need, and like, for that, we need to know more people and help each other in order to get information of disaster-struck areas and things to them, people working hard on producing good products, to make the products or songs easily seen by people, I think that social media is a good tool for that (^^)
But, in reality, people use it to bully others, hurt others, badmouth others, complain, spread lies and fake information.. I feel like there are a lot of people using it wrongly and in a negative way,, So I think that the people who made it also think that this is not the way they wanted it to be used..! I think it’s a super great tool depending on how one uses it ♪
I also don’t mind all those (negative) stuff, so it’s fine, but it’s miserable for those who take them to heart as that will accumulate stress 😢
I don’t take it to heart because I’m not usually irritated normally and I enjoy everydayy. If you complain, I think you’ll understand if you were to exchange your life with mine for a while lol
Because I think that once you exchange your life with mine for a while and see just how much laughter and enjoyment there are every day, you will stop complaining? Lol
To be able to laugh like this everyday, to be able to live this wonderful life thankz to the help from Johnny-san, everyone who are supporting me, the staff, my family, my friends, I’m grateful to all of them for being here ♪
I’m also looking forward to being able to perform as NEWS on SONGS OF TOKYO after such a long time!! It’s a good chance for people around the world and fans of other artistes that we are collaborating with to know about NEWS, so I will do my best!!
So, everyone, please definitely check it out when it airs ♪
From your darling, Tegoshi Yuya❤️
手越祐也『iraira (Irritated)』→

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