Koyama Keiichiro 小山慶一郎 NEWS RING Jweb -RING ♥ 413- 4 December 2019

『kizuna (Bond)』→な (na)
na→namae wa Keiichirou. (My name is Keiichiro.)
na→natadekoko (Nata de coco)
It's deliciouss.
Are there any generations that do not know this?
I wonder if there is anyone whom nata de coco doesn't ring a bell for.
It's like tapioca for now? Like, tapiru?
So, like, nataru? decoru? Never said those before, but,
in any case, when I was in primary school, I think, I love it
and frequently ate nata de coco jelly. So nostalgic.
na→nagekissu (Blow kiss)
Able to do this during concerts. I wonder what that switch is. I like to stay looking into the eyes for a while if we are looking into each others' eyes completely. My attack is, "Don't look away." If there's a live concert, let's play.
na→narushisuto (Narcissistic) →de wa nai. (that I'm not.)
na→nakanaka no hindo (Quite frequently)
I go for meals with Jesse from SixTONES about once a week. He always invites me, so, thank you, Jesse. By the way, we went for yakiniku yesterday. We yelled "ZUDON ZUDON" loudly. I guess it's "see you next week".
na→Nakamaru-kun→genki desu ka? wara (How are you? LOL)
na→nama housou to ieba, konya wa FNS Kayousai. (Speaking of live broadcast, it's FNS Kayousai tonight.) Of course we will sing NEWS' song, we are also collaborating with JUJU-san. I will be singing the lower parts the whole time, so please listenn!! I will work hard.
So, I will be going!!
小山慶一郎『namae wa Keiichirou. (My name is Keiichiro.)』→

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