Kato Shigeaki 加藤シゲアキ NEWS RING Jweb -RING ♥ 450- 19 August 2020

『ku gatsu juugo nichi (15th of September)』→ち (chi)
「chiisai no futatsu (The small two)」
Hello, I am Shige.
The hot days are continuing, aren't theyyy. Is everyone's condition alright?
Besides working time, I'm totally in a relaxed mode.
Stuff like that show with the emergency landing, that show with the IC and Changa, and others like that are what I'm binge-watching only now.
They're really being watched by everyone, aren't they.
Recently, I was watching them in the manager's car, the manager who's driving asked, "Which episode?" and I was surprised that he could tell what I was watching just from listening to the voices.
The Korean language is similar to that of Japaneseee, it touched me to realise that again.
Let me see, recently, I've been cooking a little bit though.
The other day, as my mum suddenly sent me some eggs.
As the more eggs the merrier (like Milk Boy)
With feelings of gratitude, I decided to put an egg yolk on the tantanmen I made so I broke it and.

... it's twins.
I was a bit touched.
It's amazing that it's twinssss.
Separating the egg yolk and the egg white is difficult!
I worked hard and managed to put it on top.
The balance is bad but somehow, it's cute lol
chiisai ran ou futatsu (Two small egg yolks).
By the way.
The eggs I received from my mother.
Twenty eggs, were all twins.
What kind of system is this!?
Is it possible to make them lay only twins?!
Or they carefully select only twins?!
Even if that's so, how do they know if they're twins?
As a person who uploads 地鶏写真 (jidori shashin = a pun on the pronunciation of selfie in Japanese: 自撮り/jidori. Shige used 地鶏/jidori, a chicken!🤣), I can't help but put it on my mind.
It's amazing, but I'm panicking.
According to my mum, laying twins seems to only be an initial thing.
But I don't know.
According to my dad, he said, "Isn't that an ostrich's egg?"
Definitely not, is it.
Thank you very much~
加藤シゲアキ『chiisai no futatsu (The small two)』→

📺 "that show with the emergency landing" = 愛の不時着 (ai no fujichaku/Crash Landing on You)
📺 "that show with the IC and Changa" = 梨泰院クラス (Itaewon Class)

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