Tegoshi Yuya's Blog 21 August 2020 手越祐也のブログ 2020年8月21日

A picture of Tegoshi and his bandmates on the day of THE BANQUET
NEW First Online Live
Everyone! Seriously thank you for watching the first online live THE BANQUET (^^)Even though it became an online event, after becoming solo, I was like, "The first thing I want to do is to meet all the fans who are supporting me!" For making this wish come true, I am thankful towards everyone around me.
The set list was decided on quite smoothly, band members starting with JUON were also gathered up in those busy times, it was really fun from the rehearsals to the real deal ♪
Please look forward as I will keep executing more and more fanclub contents (^^)
Things like goods and LINE stamps, a lot are progressing so please wait ♪
I am looking forward to the day when I can meet you personally 😍
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