Koyama Keiichiro 小山慶一郎 NEWS RING Jweb -RING ♥ 446- 22 July 2020

『baai ni yoru desho (Isn't it case by case)』→ よ (yo)
Keiichirou here.
yo→yoroshiku onegaishimasu (Please take care of me)
It's Koyama's turn today and I updated a bit late, sowwy.
Please read to the end.
yo→yoboseyo (Korean for "moshi moshi" in Japanese, like "Hello/Hey")
yo→Yokoo Wataru (a Kis-My-Ft2 member)
He's in my batch. How're you doing?
yo→yorugata (Night person)
Recently, I've been awake till midniiight. There are times when the outside gets bright, the outside during those times
is very beautiful. The night person who watches too much drama.
yo→yotei (Schedule)
I stopped planning before taking action. As I don't like things not going the way as planned, the plan will be
set on the day based on things I want to do. I basically move about alone so I won't be troubling anyone else.
yo→youfuku (Clothes)
I haven't really been buying anyyy. I bought 3 white T at ¥980 online. White T is convenient for summer season
yo→yobikata (Ways of addressing others)
Please call me Kei-chan.
If we're friends then just calling me Koyama is fine. Lol
In truth, I like to be called Kei-chan better.
yo→youyaku? Omoitsukimasen. (Finally? Can't think of anything else.)
yo→yosou (Expectation)
This is what I'm expecting but, I'm almost certain but, I think the fanmeeting will be very fun. The 3 of us
thought up and made a lot of things so I'd like you to attend. I want to feel the bond with everyoneeee. I'll be
yosou (Expectation). So, I'm handing this over to the next person.
小山慶一郎『yosou (Expectation)』→

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