Masuda Takahisa 増田貴久 NEWS RING Jweb -RING ♥ 469- 13 January 2021

『ee toshi ni shitai mon ya naa (Just wanna make this a good yearrrr)』→あ (a)
It’s Massu!
Various work started and I’ve been able to become busy!
Thank youuu😊😊
Everyone who welcomed the Coming-of-age Day!!
Please become someone cool and wonderfulll😊✨
That means they’re 15 years younger than me!? Lol
If we meet, you have to use the polite speech!
I’m lying!
Ahh, even the coming-of-age ceremony became remotely done
it must have felt different from the usual..
Such a pity…
It’s okay!
I didn’t go to the ceremony too!
Just because I’m becoming an adult, I went and bought a suit and acted properly
but I go not!
A few days ago, I saw many people in the attire of the coming-of-age ceremony!
I wasn’t found out but I stared at them a lot!
Everyone had beautiful eyesss✨
Girls’ attire, that’s cute!
For the guys,
they will gradually realise that when they become adults and play with their hair, suits will not suit them lol
For NEWS, we were roughly around 20 years old during the period where we released weeeek?
Like, 21?
I had felt that the lyrics are quite far into the future.
Like, it’s about me yet it doesn’t sink in!
We were able to sing it lots and it became like NEWS’ namecard
Such a me, in this year, will become 35.
Have I become a cool adult?
I feel like it has sunk in for me that I can face that question now.
Well, I’m cool though. Lol
…”Is a person who says such things an adult?” If you were asked that, I wouldn’t know anything about ittt! Lol…
I’m sure I’ll talk about this again during my birthday. Lol
Please be like it’s your first time hearing it then
Welllllll, what I want to say is…
Day after day, year after year, it will become more fun! Take lots of breaks and look for fun things,
work hard!✊😊
If the going gets tough, come to NEWS!
Shiritoringu (PunMasterMassu: word connecting game-RING)…
It’s “a”!?
It’d be good if it’s “o” though. Lol
Shige, it’s all on you now…Lol
aーーーーーomedetoーーーーーu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Ahhhhhh congratulaaaaaations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
増田貴久『aーーーーーomedetoーーーーーu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Ahhhhhh congratulaaaaaations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)』→

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