All WORLDISTA -Inter- (English Translation)

1. Login Sequence
Please input your WORLDISTA Beta Programme Access Code.Scan, finalised.
"KKMT0915" accepted.
Intracerebral Connect Sequence is starting.
Eustachian Tube value, normal.
Synchronisation percentage, loading.
Synchronisation ready.
Welcome to the world of WORLDISTA.

2. Orientation
WORLDISTA is different from all the VR up till now, this is a new entertainment system where your consciousness is directly connected to the virtual space.There is no concept of time and space in the world of WORLDISTA.
Here, you can experience many different types of games such as action, role playing, racing, solving mysteries, quiz, romance, and you can move freely in this world.
There are not only games, you can also experience worlds like the space travel of EPCOTIA and even surreal worlds like NEVERLAND.
You can hold events like Christmas parties everyday, and then experience a Valentine's event a few hours after.
And, you can also become any character.
Furthermore, you can also game with NEWS' members.
For orientation, let's first start by racing NEWS' members in a space race.
The first person to make it to the goal will receive a message from NEWS' members.
So, the game starts!

3. First Checkpoint
You have passed the first checkpoint. You who have passed it earlier than anyone else will be given a present of 5000 bowery. Your rank depends on the amount of bowery you have.The member topping the ranking will be given the right to enter the WORLDISTA CUP. Let's continue playing games with us. This is the next game.
Accessing E-Sports Zone.

4. Product Launch
Today is a day I've been anticipating for fifteen years.A day that we are announcing something more than just a product, it is a dream.
I'm thrilled that you are gathered here to share in this significant moment.
Once in a great while, there's an innovation that transforms our world.
Neo Electronic Wonder State Inc. has been fortunate enough to have created nine such innovations.
And today, we are here to announce number ten.
A traditional limitation with VR headsets is that we have been forced to experience virtual aspirations through primarily visual stimuli.
We've been unable to really feel the environment we're in.
A product that dives directly into your consciousness.
Our product synchronises with your brain though your ears, allowing you to experience the full range of sensation you have in the physical world.
You are here to witness the beginning of a global phenomenon built for the world by Japan.
Allow me to present.. WORLDISTA!

5. (at the end of) Digital Love
Congratulations.You have received 718 bowery.

6. Quiz
You have entered the WORLDISTA Quiz Zone.Here, the questions will be related to NEWS and we will have you answering them with the members.
Today's participants are Kato-san and Tegoshi-san from NEWS.
And you who are here.
So, the first question. When was NEWS first announced?
15 September 2003.
Second question. What is NEWS' 6th album?
Such a pity. Incorrect.
So, third question. What was the single NEWS released on 18 July 2012?
Fourth question. Among NEWS' song titles, which word related to seasons has not been used yet?

7. Ending
Congratulations.You have received 20120718 bowery.
You have been chosen as one of the members of the WORLDISTA CUP.
While playing the game, you have already noticed it, haven't you?
That bowery is not merely virtual currency for getting items.
Yes, this is your energy.
You can enter the WORLDISTA CUP because you have this energy.
NEWS' members are also looking forward to participating in the event with you.
So till then, farewell.
Oh! I nearly forgot.
We have one. More. Thing.
As a special appreciation, your pamphlets contain an important clue regarding information for the upcoming WORLDISTA CUP.
It's in the first version of the pamphlet.
Please check it for a secret message.
Once again, thank you all for joining us for this moment of appreciation!

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