Tegoshi Yuya's Instagram 31 December 2020 手越祐也のインスタ 2020年12月31日


Everyoneee! The final day of 2020 has comeeee😊
How was 2020 for everyone?
I started using social media in 2020, I got the chance to be seen by a lot of people, so I want to look back on this year for me in my style.
From about January, the corona virus started increasing and entertainment was stopping.
Then, in 2020 March I thought about how much I’d regret it if I missed this timing emotionally and physically, but if you had no idea what my previous activities were, you might be thinking, “What?!” This was the period where I started having thoughts of going solo after I finish the final live concerts and leave with gratitude in my heart.
Then a lot happened after that and then there’s that press conference.
I am grateful for the fact that a lot of people have seen it. To be honest, if that press conference was only for the eyes of fans who have been supporting me throughout the years, I’d have gotten down on my knees because I wanted to apologise for quitting the agency at this timing.
However, people watching the press conference are people who did not really know my activities up till then. And, also people who were harshly looking to destroy the press conference. So, I couldn’t not fight. So I thought about how to present myself in my own way and in the end, there was no way I could apologise.
Of course I apologised for making you worry but that wasn’t a place where I could apologise sincerely to all my fans who have always been here.
Once again, I’m filled with feeling sorry towards all my fans who have been supporting me for 18 years.. I’m sorry..
And then I left the agency without being able to do any preparations.
I received as many support as I could have from people around me, and I managed to do all I could for the later half of the year and I have the confidence that I have done the preparations for making 2021 a great year.
Especially within these few months where I had many great encounters. Lending a hand to me who had quit a huge agency to go solo is a truly scary thing, and I think that it’s inevitable that everyone would hesitate and think twice. I have already thought of that too. However, among that, there are a lot of amazing people, whom I have come to rely on, calling me these few months.
I am really grateful. I think that I have lost many fans whom I’ve always cherished since I went solo. There were times where I wanted to escape and it was really tough. However, when I look at it from the perspective of the fans who were supposed to be able to be shown a scenery even greater than before, I thought about how they must be in more pain than I am, and I am truly sorry.
However, despite that, there are also a lot of fans who followed and stayed. I have nothing but gratitude.
And from the press conference till now, I have received many messages from new fans who have never watched me sing or talk before. To this, I also have nothing but gratitude.
Though I have resolutely gone solo for only half a year, the only direction is forwards, I have confidence that 2021 will be a very good year.
With gratitude in my heart towards people who are supporting me, I want to make more and more people, even if it’s just one more, smile and think, “That guy is taking on various challenges and I think I can work hard on something too!!”
I will have activities that will hopefully inspire people to think like that, so please look forward to them😊
Honestly thank you for coming to see the posts and stories of the Tegoshi Yuya who has started using social media..
I look forward to your support in 2021 too♪
I think this will be my final post for 2020.
Everyoneeee! Have a great year ahead😘
Thank you so much for the translation 💗