Koyama Keiichiro 小山慶一郎 NEWS RING Jweb -RING ♥ 473- 10 February 2021

『za shounen kurabu puremiamu (The Shounen Club Premium)』→ム (mu)
I am Keiichirou.
mu→mushi (Insect)
Hate them. Scary. Can’t read their movements.
However, once I get used to an environment that has bugs, incredibly, I can do it. I overcame Amazon, the bugs in the Amazon were really huge. A size so huge that I’ve never seen before. That kind of bugs, if they appear in my house, I think I will tremble violently.
Koyama, the fawn.
mu→muneniku (Breast meat)
I wrote this in my web too but I always have stocks of chicken breast meat in my refrigerator. I made yuurinchii (Soy Sauce Fried Chicken) yesterday.
Ya did it, didn’t ya, Koyama-san.
mu→munemoto (Chest/yknow😏)
I like.
mu→muttsuri sukebe (Reserved pervert)
Which I’m not.
(gattsuri) I’m one with all my might.
mu→murasaki (Purple)
It’s Koyama.
No wayyy, no wayyy,
mu→musenmai (Rinse-free rice)
For me, I use rice that I wash and then cook. I cook rice every day, so I’m particular about it. Rinse-free rice is great too because it’s fuss-freeeee.
mu→muーdo (Mood)
I play jazz piano as BGM in my house at night. There’s a mood, isn’t there? Because I’m 36 years old. kiran (it means this: ✧ \( °∀° )/ ✧). Like the mood at the lounge in a hotel. Songs without singing are better for working on something, so I won’t take notice of it when I’m like reading or something.
mu→mukade (Centipede)
Hate them. Scary. Can’t read their movements.
The legs,,,. Ahhh I will fidget anxiously.
mu→mushiyoke supureー (Insect repellent)
It’s absolutely better to do it. Spraying insect repellent properly, Massu didn’t really get many bug bites in Amazon and I, who didn’t spray it, got a lot of bug bites.
mu→mukeikaku (No plan)
I wrote this without any plan today. Thank you very much for accompanying me!!
The next one is “ku”, so take it away.
小山慶一郎『mukeikaku (No plan)』→

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