Tegoshi Yuya's Instagram 7 February 2021 手越祐也のインスタ 2021年2月7日


Thank you for attending the first online coming-of-age ceremony ♪
Thankz to all of you who are watching, I received power instead ✌️
My heart pains for the cancellation of such an important event, but I hope that I have managed to encourage you, even if it is a little bit..
It has been decided that I will sing my new song in the Kansai Collection on the 7th of March at Kyocera Dome, and it will be continuously streamed for 6 months from June onwards. I'm also looking forward to my album releasing in December but it's a long wait and I look forward to ittt!
There must be lots of bad happenings and stress in this kind of situation, but let's find things that we can do and fun things and smile every day 😊
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