Masuda Takahisa 増田貴久 NEWS RING Jweb -RING ♥ 472- 3 February 2021


『Guro-bu Za (The Globe Theatre)』→ざ (za)

I am Masuda Takahisa!!

How are youuu?

I have been updating Maru Maru every day😊
(For now)

If you can see it, please see it👍

Well, this time is “za”

za, speaking of that

za shounen kurabu puremiamu (The Shounen Club Premium)


We were appointed as the main for the programme
and I think that we really really grew a lot by being able to sing a lot of songs and do lots of collaborations and other projectssss!

There are also songs and performances we were able to do because of Shoukura (short form of SCP)😍

I am looking forward to being a guest on the show again😊😊

It issss “mu”!

増田貴久『za shounen kurabu puremiamu (The Shounen Club Premium)』→
