Koyama Keiichiro 小山慶一郎 NEWS RING Jweb -RING ♥ 458- 14 October 2020

『suki (Like)』→ き (ki)
Keiichirou here.
Massu's "suki (like)"
made my heart skip a beat (kyun).
My heart wasn't supposed to skip a beat at that? lol
I like [it] too. Well, let's start.
I will also work hard today.
ki→kyun to suru (skip a beat)
Yeah, my heart is still feeling it. Because it's coming from someone who seldom say things like, "suki (like)". Kyun.
ki→kiiro (Yellow)
For Massu, the colour yellow suits him, doesn't it?
Somehow, that makes my heart skips a beat, I guess.
The colour yellow comes into existence for Massu, probably. Yeah. Kyun.
ki→kimochiwarui? (Disgusting?)
Somehow definitely, I think my feelings are heading towards a disgusting direction today, so let's change
ki→kiseki (Miracle)
Massu said it before,
I think that being allowed to entertain now is really a miracle.
Ah, it's back.
ki→kibun wa Masuda mo-do (I'm in the Masuda mood)
It's like I'm inside a swamp that I can't get out of no matter what. It's because my heart skipped a beat. Massu's swamp. Kyun swamp.
ki→kibun tenkan shiyo (Let's change the mood)
Soooo, what to do. lol
It's about time, I feel like I'll be disliked,
I have to stop.
ki→kigurumi (Mascot costume)
I want to wear a mascot costume,
somehow I have that kind of desire.
I wonder what kind of mascot costume suits me.
ki→kinako (Roasted soya bean powder)
Warabimochi is having a boom now, so I'm shaking because I love kinako too much.
ki→ki wo kiritai (I want to cut a tree)
The chainsaw is calling for me
ki→kin niku (Muscles)
Your type is lean-macho?
I will not overdo it, so please rest easy.
ki→kyanpu (Camp)
The mountain is calling for me
ki→kimari (Decided)
I will buy the mountain.
(If Shige gives the go-ahead)
So it's to Shige next.
ki→kimari de ii? (Decided, is that okay?)
What will become of KoyaShige, check NEWS na Futari!!
小山慶一郎『kimari de ii? (Decided, is that okay?)』→

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