Tegoshi Yuya's Blog 6 October 2020 手越祐也のブログ 2020年10月6日

NEW Jobcan CM
Hello! I am Tegoshi Yuyaaa ✋🏼I've posted about it on my social media before but I'm doing a Jobcan commercial with Aikawa Sho-sannnn!!
The commercial will be played in taxis, aren't commercials always played when you take a lot of taxis to move about?
I always end up staring at them lol
So I'm happy when I think about how I will also be stared at 😆
Fanclub-limited video about the failed shots during shooting and backstage will be posted too so please look forward to thattt ♪
"More fanclub contents going forward, or what happened before is goooood?"
I asked that in my socmed and I will properly prepare for the requests in the replies that I chose, so please look forward to thattt 😘
◼️ Comment from the fanclub's staff ◼️
About Tegoshi-san's Jobcan commercial,
they can be watched in the following links from 10am JST (9am SGT) on 6th of October!
For interested parties, please definitely watch them.
① Approving via smartphone ver. A
② Approving via smartphone ver. B
③ Head of Department Aikawa's Revolution ver. A
④ Head of Department Aikawa's Revolution ver. B
⑤ Tegoshi! Help me ver.
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