Tegoshi Yuya's Blog 4 September 2020 手越祐也のブログ 2020年9月4日

NEW Rady Collaboration
Everyoneeee! I have a collaboration with the apparel brand called Rady, have you seen the photos? Aren't they good??Wearing them makes me feel high and somehow they suit me lol
The shoot also went well while we're enjoying ourselvessss! There will be more announcements going forward so please look forward to themmm (^^)
My shoots are fast and this shoot was done in an unbelievable 4 hours lol
Everyone was amazingly united and created great works in a short time so I hope that you will be looking forward to the future too (^^)
Also, thank you for replying my questions about Insta goods ♪
In the near future, I will be making something that will make you happyyyy!
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