Tegoshi Yuya's Instagram 1 September 2020 手越祐也のインスタ 2020年9月1日


I wish for their recovery from the bottom of my heart..
This video is sent to me by my friends who are volunteering over there.
Help from other prefectures is not permitted so I haven’t been able to go there but by doing this and putting a smile on their faces makes me feel happy from the bottom of my heart..
I once again think about how I’d like to continue doing activities that will give people even a bit of strength as a result of something I do.
The power of social media is amazing, good stuff, bad stuff, false stuff are all immediately spread.
It’s precisely because I’m a newbie who only started using social media about 2 months ago that I can greatly feel so many things.
I frankly think that the power of social media should be used for the good.
People don’t learn even when the violence of social media has created many victims in not only Japan but also the world..
People can diss or complain about famous people or people with dreams and are challenging themselves, like it’s nothing, where their comments can be seen by them.
Even though words can become weapons.
If their own profiles are made clear, they won’t attack but because the tool of anonymity is strong, they attack like crazy.
The way media is now, when originally it is used to give people happiness or help people who are in need, but now, they neither report about people in need of help nor information from disaster-struck places, instead, they report useless things like the romance or flings or scandals of famous people and invite people to bully them.
I wonder why people break others instead of lifting each other up..
I’m thankful that I’m at a very fortunate position where many people tell me they support me, so that’s why I think that I cannot be ungrateful and not repay this kindness..
In this life that ends without anyone knowing when or how, it’s precisely why I’d like to make people smile, even if it’s just one person more, as long as I still exist in this world. Positively. I’d like to change this world that fights to one where more people will respect each other. Once again, I received power from the smiles of people who are still struggling in the disaster-struck areas and that made me think about how great it would be if I could change the world in that way just a little bit.
To everyone in Kumamoto. I have received power from you in the many live concerts I was able to perform in Kumamoto.
I will definitely go over once permission to enter is granted, so please hang in there in the relentlessly hot everyday!!
I hope that everyone who is struck by the disasters and the volunteers will smile, even if it’s just a little bit..
#手越祐也 #tegoshiyuya
#熊本支援 #SupportKumamoto
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